How To Start New Line In Google Sheets

How To Start New Line In Google Sheets Quickly and Easily

Google Sheets is commonly assumed as an application of cells. Did you know that you can add new lines to existing cells? Starting a new line in Google Sheets is easy and can be done quickly. Whether you’re creating a spreadsheet for work, school, or personal use, adding a new line can help keep your data organized and make it easier to read.

The easiest way to start a new line in Google Sheets is to choose the cell and press Ctrl + Enter. Alternatively, you can merge or format the cells to wrap the text within it in a new line.

In this article, let’s discuss different ways of adding a new line to existing cells on Google Sheets. So let’s get started!

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How To Start New Line In Google Sheets

Starting a new line is quite simple on Google Sheets. As it’s a cloud-based program, you can perform this operation on any device (PC, laptop, Mac, and phone).

Let’s look at the right way to start a new line in Google Sheets from two commonly used devices – PC and Android.


Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Double-click the cell you’d like to work on.
  2. As the cursor blinks in the cell, press Ctrl + Enter.

Tip: If you’re using Mac, you may have to press Ctrl + Return.

3. A new line adds beneath.

Insert a line
Insert a line


  1. Select the cell(s) you’d like to work on.
Select cells
Select cells

2. Click Format -> Wrapping -> Wrap.

Wrapping text
Wrapping text

3. The text in these cells automatically moves to the next line.

Wrapped text
Wrapped text

On Android

If you’re working on your PC, it’s easy to play with operations on Google Sheets with quick keyboard shortcuts. However, when you’re using your smartphone, it needs a bit of effort.

  1. Double-tap on the cell where you’d like to start a new line.
  2. As the cursor blinks, tap Enter key on your mobile.
  3. The cursor moves beneath and starts a new line.

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How To Delete New Line In Google Sheets

If you’ve added a new line to a cell in Google Sheets, you can always undo it.

  1. Select the cell that you’d like to work on.
  2. Delete text on the line.
Delete line
Delete line

3. Press the Backspace key to remove the line.

Perhaps, it’s easier to undo an action on Google Sheets.

Can Google Sheets Automatically Insert Line Breaks

Google Sheets automatically allow text to flow on cells and doesn’t insert line breaks. However, if the column/row/cell format is set to wrap, line breaks are added automatically.

Inserting a line within a cell is a customized option chosen by users for aesthetic and formatting reasons. Further, it isn’t widely followed by users as Google Sheets are used for data manipulation purposes.

Sometimes, when you have to add remarks or sentences in a cell, you may need to insert a line break to give enough gap and make it look readable.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a pro in Google Sheets isn’t rocket science. Similar to adding line breaks on the application, you can always explore new features and also include plugins to enhance performance and usefulness.

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